It's a Flamingo! No, it's not. It's a Roseate Spoonbill. But for the first year that I lived in Florida, I told people that I was seeing flamingos. And yes, they looked at me like I was odd. Thankfully, I'm used to that. :)
August was an awesome month, and I've memorialized some of that awesomeness in pictures.
August was an awesome month, and I've memorialized some of that awesomeness in pictures.
What on earth, are you asking? Well, this is me playing golf for the very first least that I can remember. My husband swears we played golf in college, but I. DO. NOT. REMEMBER. There's a reason for this, I'm pretty sure. I am not spectacular at golf. Not at all.
On a more interesting note, however, is the paw print we saw in one of the sand thingees. It's hard to tell by the picture, but it was huuuge, like panther-size. As far as I know, there aren't any endangered Florida panthers on our tiny island, but maybe they are sasquatching us.
On a more interesting note, however, is the paw print we saw in one of the sand thingees. It's hard to tell by the picture, but it was huuuge, like panther-size. As far as I know, there aren't any endangered Florida panthers on our tiny island, but maybe they are sasquatching us.
This one is just fun. I was on a doggy play date at a friend's house, and Murdock and Hattie were playing with her dog, Gem. They lined up (Murdock pushing and shoving in the back-- "it's my turn, it's my turn!") and then they jumped in one by one.
The first day of school. Somehow watching Murdock grow from puppy to dog has been reminding me of how quickly the kids are growing up. When they were babies, I remember older people stopping me to tell me how fast it went by.
They were right.
They were right.
I do have book news! Something pretty exciting happened on August 9th. In case you weren't keeping score, ALL WE HAVE LEFT came out. Murdock kept me company as I fielded messages and posts. It was a beautiful day!
And this happened. Not only was ALL WE HAVE LEFT picked as an Amazon Book of the Month, it was also picked for the August YA Book Club. Color me excited!
This came home in my son's pocket, all wrinkled up and scribbled upon. I had almost forgotten ALL WE HAVE LEFT was coming out in the Scholastic catalogue, and he was pretty surprised when he saw it there. He raised his hand and told his teacher that it was his mom's book.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Uh, yes?" he answered.
He still doesn't think she believes him.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Uh, yes?" he answered.
He still doesn't think she believes him.
And finally, I was interviewed for the School Library Journal. Only librarians and authors are geekish enough to get excited about this...and yes, I am a geek. Here's a link to the article if you want to get your geek on. :)
And of course, we have to have the requisite cute puppy picture. This is one of our favorite places to go on our boat, as it is a deserted piece of land right across from a bunch a gazillion-dollar condos. It's good fishing and usually pretty free of people. In other words...perfect.
Like mother, like son! He has worked his way through Harry Potter and now has started on the Lightning Thief series.
And here you thought I'd managed to go through an entire post without a sunset picture. Nope, I snuck in one.
I was just thinking that most of my pictures are on the beach, or on the boat, because...well, that's what we do for fun. BUT. But, I will have some pictures from an entirely different locale next month. See you then!
I was just thinking that most of my pictures are on the beach, or on the boat, because...well, that's what we do for fun. BUT. But, I will have some pictures from an entirely different locale next month. See you then!